Public Sector Equality Duty

Fernwood is a diverse, successful secondary school with a population of over 1400 students, located on the edge of Nottingham City in the suburb of Wollaton.

We have a successful Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) working group with parents/carers, governors, staff, and students contributing towards the school’s EDI objectives which can be found at the end of this page.

All staff, students and stakeholders have a duty to act in accordance with the Public Sector Equality Duty both in the application of the act and its spirit, and treat each other with respect and dignity at all times.

In the current school year 2023/24, Fernwood School comprises of the following:

  • 1474 pupils
  • 53% of pupils are male
  • 47% of pupils are female

Please note that in some cases, the data below may not total 100% as we have removed any instances where students may be identified.

Socio-Economic Status

Fernwood is a highly regarded, multi-cultural school and has a broad IDACI index*.  In the academic year 2023/24, 19% of students are Pupil Premium eligible. Fernwood has a Pupil Premium strategy (can be found under our policies section of the website) to minimise any disadvantage PP students may face in comparison to their peers.

* IDACI index: The Income Deprivation Affecting Children Index measures the proportion of all children aged 0 to 15 living in income deprived families.

Ethnicity and Religious Groups

Our student population is comprised of 48 ethnicities whilst places of birth other than the United Kingdom span 19 countries. In the academic year 2023/24, 36% of students speak English as an additional language. However, it is important to note that most students also speak English fluently. Where students need further support with English, they are offered bespoke interventions.

56.2% of students are listed as having a religion: 24.4% Christian; 24.8% Muslim; 3% Sikh; 2.7% Hindu. To support students observing their faith, we have a reflection room open at lunchtime every day, supervised by a member of staff.

Fernwood has a diverse student body comprising of the following ethnic groups: 42% White, 25% Asian, 12% Mixed Heritage; 5% Chinese; 4% Black; 4% Other. To foster good relations between ethnic and cultural groups, we celebrate Culture Day and Diversity Day each year providing students with an opportunity to celebrate their identity and cultural heritage as well as learning about those of their peers. Our curriculum is carefully designed to encourage students to think and act with empathy and understanding of the world around them.

Special Education Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

10% of students on roll are listed as having SEND whilst 9 students have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP). Our on-site Study Support Hub provides a smaller, calm space for SEND students. Each SEND student is allocated a keyworker who works alongside them and their family from the beginning of their time at Fernwood until they leave. Students joining from year 6 are offered additional transition visits to support their transition to secondary school. Where appropriate, learning support assistants provide additional assistance to students in lessons and at our after-school home learning club.


The Fernwood School
Goodwood Road, Wollaton
Nottingham, NG8 2FT

0115 9286326