Our School


The Fernwood Academy Trust

With effect from 1st May 2011 the school converted to Academy status, which brought about a number of changes in the governance arrangements at the school. The Fernwood Academy Trust was established, a charitable company limited by guarantee, the object of which is to advance, for the public benefit, the education of pupils and develop a school offering a broad and balanced curriculum.

The appointed members of the Trust are:-

  • Mr Andrew Hunt
  • Mr Paul Irons MBE
  • Mrs Umbrin Afzal
  • Mr Mark Blatchly

The Academy Trust Governing Body

The Governing Body manages the Fernwood School (Academy) on behalf of the Trust. This places many duties and responsibilities on the Governing Body, the key ones of which are summarised below:-

  • Ensure the quality of educational provision
  • Challenge and monitor the performance of the Academy
  • Manage the Academy Trust’s finances and property
  • Appoint and employ staff
  • Health and Safety
  • Act as the Admissions Authority

The Governing Body comprises 18 members, appointed in the following categories:-

  • 7 Parents
  • 5 Community
  • 2 Partnership
  • 4 Staff

The Governing Body is also able to appoint up to 3 Co-opted Governors.

Appointments to membership are usually for a period of four years and the Chair and Vice-Chair are appointed on an annual basis. The Academy Trust and Governing Body are supported by its Company Secretary and Clerk, Mrs Sue Law, email s.law@fernwood.school.

Current membership is as set out below:-

  • Mr Paul Irons (Chair) (Partnership Governor, re-appointed by the Governing Body 01/09/21, period of office expiring 31/08/25) (see notes 1,2 & 3)
  • Mrs Rosemarie Hudlin (Community Governor, re-appointed by the Governing Body 05/02/22, period of office expiring 04/02/26) (see notes 1, 2 and 3)
  • Mr Andrew Hunt (Vice Chair) (Chair of Finance, Audit and Risk Committee, Community Governor, re-appointed by the Governing Body 02/10/21, period of office expiring 01/10/25) (see notes 2)
  • Mr Neil Jackson (Staff Governor, re-elected by school staff 26/05/23, period of office expiring 25/05/27) (see notes 2 & 4)
  • Mr Chris Gell (Head Teacher) (see notes 1 & 3)
  • Mr Stephen Deadman-Corsie (Partnership Governor, appointed by the Governing Body 18/3/24, period of office expiring 17/03/28) (see notes 2)
  • Mrs Umbrin Afzal (Parent Governor, re-elected by parent/carers 18/05/21, period of office expiring 17/05/2025) (see notes 1 & 3)
  • Mr Mark Blatchly (Vice Chair) (Chair of Pupils and Personnel, Parent Governor, re-elected by parent/carers 18/05/21, period of office expiring 17/05/2025) (see notes 1 & 2)
  • Mr Kevin Beswick (Community Governor, re-appointed by the Governing Body 27/09/2022, period of office expiring 26/09/26) (see notes 1 & 3)
  • Mrs Angela Hopkinson – Staff Governor, elected by school staff 25/09/2019, period of office expired 24/09/2023
  • Mr Anthony Hicks – Community Governor, re-appointed by the Governing Body 25/09/2023, resigned 31/8/2024.
  • Mrs Claire Mulholland (nee Ms Claire Donaldson) – Co-opted Governor, re-appointed by the Governing Body 25/09/2023, period of office expiring 24/09/2027
  • Mr Nicolas Capon (Parent Governor, elected by parents/carers 13/02/20, resigned 22/01/2024)
  • Mrs Saema Mohammad (Parent Governor, elected by parent/carers 19/4/2022, period of office expiring 18/04/2026) (see note 1)
  • Mrs Louise Silver (Parent Governor, elected by parent/carers 19/4/2022, period of office expiring 18/04/2026) (see note 1)
  • Mr Narinder Sagoo (Co-opted Governor, appointed by the Governing Body 21/09/2022, period of office expiring on 20/9/2026 (See notes 1 and 2)
  • Mr Willliam Beasley (Staff Governor, elected by school staff 6/01/2023 period of office expiring 5/01/2027) (See note 1)
  • Mr Louis Harrison (Community Governor, appointed by Governing Body 06/07/23period of office expiring 5/07/2027)
  • Mr Jaz Lovett - Staff Governor, elected by school staff 21/11/2023, period of office expiring on 20/11/2027
  • Dr Shamim Ahmad (Parent Governor, elected by parent/carers 20/2/2024, period of office expiring 19/02/2028)
  • Mr Michael Benford (Parent Governor, elected by parent/carers 20/2/2024, period of office expiring 19/02/2028)
  • Dr James Daubney (Co-opted Governor, appointed by the Governing Body 22/5/2024, period of office expiring 21/05/2028) (see note 1)
  • Mrs Amy Huskisson (LA Governor, appointed by the Governing Body 22/5/2024, period of office expiring 21/05/2028) (see note 1)


  1. Member of Pupils and Personnel Committee
  2. Member of Financial, Audit and Risk Committee
  3. Member of Admissions Committee. Membership of Pupil Discipline and other Staffing Committees is determined when these Committees are required to meet.
  4. As an employee does not participate when Audit matters are discussed at Finance, Audit and Risk Committee.

The Governing Body usually meets twice per term and is supported by a Committee structure of a number of Committees (including, Pupils and Personnel and Finance, Audit and Risk) which meet on a termly basis. The Head Teacher, presents written reports to these meetings. In addition to attending meetings Governors are able, if they wish, to undertake what are known as Link positions in areas where they may have a special interest, for example, Special Educational Needs or taking part in interviews for the appointment of staff. Governors are also offered training that is appropriate to their role over the course of their membership.

The Governing Body is always keen to respond to any requests about how it operates and receive any expressions of interest for future membership. In this connection, contact can be made with the Chair or the Clerk, c/o the school or as indicated above.

All governors and members complete business and pecuniary interest forms on an annual basis. The current register is available here.

The record of Governors’ attendance at meetings in all previous years may be accessed in the appropriate section of the Financial Statements which can be found below. Further detail on such attendance for the 2023/24 year is available here.

Scheme of Delegation

Some aspects of the delegation of responsibilities are referred to in the preceding paragraphs of this section of the website. For clarity, delegation arrangements can be summarised as under:-

Academy Trust – a small group of Members who must act in accordance with the objectives set out in the Trust’s Articles of Association. The Trust sets the strategic direction of the Academy. As a single converter Academy the Trust has generally only met to date to hold its Annual General Meeting when the appointment of Members, approval of the statutory financial accounts for the year in question, the contents of the report of the external auditors and the appointment of auditors have been determined.

Governing Body – As a single converter Academy, Governors are Directors of the Company and the Governing Body manages the Academy on behalf of the Trust. Save for those few matters that are reserved for the Trust the Governing Body is responsible for deciding all other matters, subject to the delegation arrangements referred to below

Delegation from the Governing Bodythe Governing Body Scheme of Delegation for 2024/25 is available here.


The Fernwood School
Goodwood Road, Wollaton
Nottingham, NG8 2FT

0115 9286326