Our School

External Recognition

This page is dedicated to the awards and external recognition achieved by the Fernwood Family.

Ofsted - Outstanding

Inspection 2024

An Ofsted outstanding judgement is the highest rating a secondary school can achieve during an inspection by the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (Ofsted) in England. Schools receiving this rating demonstrate exceptional performance across key areas such as quality of educationbehaviour and attitudespersonal development, and leadership and management

More detail on the inspection can be found here.

April 2024

FFT National Attendance Award 2023/24

The FFT National Attendance Award is given to schools that excel in maintaining, improving, and promoting good pupil attendance. It celebrates the hard work and dedication of everyone involved - pupils, parents, carers, staff, and others in achieving excellent attendance. 

October 2023

Rainbow Flag Award

The Rainbow Flag Award is a national quality assurance framework for schools. It focusses on positive LGBT+ inclusion and visibility, encompassing identities such as lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, and related expressions. Through a year-long process of self-assessment, schools gain access to resources and interventions, allowing them to meet set standards in their own unique ways.

October 2023

NEU's LGBT+ Student Group of the Year 2024

The National Education Union (NEU) actively supports LGBT+ educators across the United Kingdom. Within the NEU, there are LGBT+ networks that ensure the voices of LGBT+ educators are heard and create pathways to activism and leadership. 

Awarded in recognition of the work at Free To Be Me

February 2024

SSAT Educational Outcomes AWARDS 2023/24

The award recognises that Fernwood School is amongst the highest performing secondary schools in the country, based on 2023 performance data and information from Ofsted.

Fernwood School was recognised in two categories, receiving awards for being in the top 20% of schools nationally for student progress and in the top 10% of non-selective schools for student attainment in the 2023 end of KS4 exams.

The SSAT Educational Outcomes database compares all state-funded schools in England. To be recognised with an Educational Outcomes Award is a significant achievement and a testament to the work of the whole school community. 

March 2024

Leading Edge School status

The SSAT Leading Edge network is an exclusive national network specifically designed for high-performing schools. It connects like-minded professionals across the country, fostering structured collaboration and insights into effective educational practices. Led by a steering group of headteachers from within the network, the program offers an extensive annual package of activities, events, publications, and support. To qualify, secondary and special schools must meet specific criteria, including Ofsted grades 1 or 2 with evidence of high performance. Participating schools benefit from this prestigious recognition and engage in continuous improvement within the realm of education.

Design Mark

The Design and Technology Mark is a prestigious quality mark bestowed upon schools that excel in teaching and learning within the field of Design and Technology. Schools earn this recognition by fully meeting all the descriptors outlined in a Framework. The evaluation process is rigorous, covering aspects such as curriculum planning, teaching and learning, leadership, capacity, resources, and safety. Schools awarded the D&T Mark have demonstrated their commitment to excellence in areas like design education, safety protocols, and effective teaching practices. It's a badge of honour that celebrates outstanding contributions to design education.

Nottingham Young Creative Awards

The Nottingham Young Creative Awards (YCAs) celebrate the remarkable emerging talent of 11-24 year olds living, working, or studying in Nottingham, England. This annual event provides a platform for young creatives to showcase their work to industry professionals and the general public. With ten different categories to choose from, the YCAs recognise achievements in areas such as music, photography, graphic design, and more12. The competition is now closed for entries, but it’s an exciting opportunity for Nottingham’s creative community.

The Art & Design department annually enter the Nottingham Young Creative Awards, with a history of successful recipients.  

Music Mark

The Music Mark shows that Fernwood is committed to providing a high-quality music education. Music Mark schools meet specific criteria, such as having a strategy for music in place, recognising the value of music education as part of a balanced curriculum, and being willing to engage in development conversations related to improving music provision. Music Mark, the UK association for music education, works with schools to empower teachers and promote music both in and out of the classroom.

Young Carers in Schools

This award is part of the Young Carers in School programme run by charities The Children’s Society and Carers Trust. The programme provides primary and secondary schools across England with step-by-step guidance for teachers, leaders and non-teaching staff to gain the practical tools they need to help young carers.

Young carers are children under 18 who are responsible for the care of a family member with who, due to illness, disability, mental health condition or addiction, can’t cope without their support.

The Fernwood School won the award by demonstrating how it supports young carers. This includes running homework clubs and drop-in sessions with a member of staff responsible for this vulnerable group of pupils.


The Fernwood School
Goodwood Road, Wollaton
Nottingham, NG8 2FT

0115 9286326