Physical and Performance Education

The Physical and Performance Education faculty comprises the Drama, Music and P.E. departments.

We seek to nurture, develop and enable pupils creativity and confidence with artistic, physical and technical capability. Through performance and participation, pupils enhance skills in self-awareness and working with others, enjoying a healthy, active lifestyle. By ensuring that pupils have ample time and access to specialist staff and equipment across all three subjects, the P.P.E. faculty strive to place drama, music and sport as a firm part of Fernwood’s broad and balanced curriculum.

An intrinsic part of the learning journey in P.P.E. takes place through enrichment, so a wide range of extra-curricular activities also form a central part of our provision. Our core intent is to foster a love of the arts and an active lifestyle which can last for life.

Specific Aims

  • Develop technique and improve performance in drama, music and sporting activities.
  • Understand theory and rationale behind practical work.
  • Build communication and teamwork skills.
  • Evaluate and compare their own performance and the performance of others.
  • To provide pupils with opportunities to further develop their passions or talents through clubs, projects, performances, off-site visits and links with institutions or experts.



The Fernwood School
Goodwood Road, Wollaton
Nottingham, NG8 2FT

0115 9286326